Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSpL


Fr Shinto Francis

Assistant Priest

Teshana Laferla


Celina Alcantara


Maria Boyd


Mary McGuinness

Parish Co-Ordinator of Ministries


The Parish Pastoral Council is an advisory body to the Parish Priest.

Current Parish Pastoral Council Members


Fr Raymond Ugwu CSSp


Darrell Grima


Dave Pritchard


Catherine Littlejohn

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Cathy Hey


Cathy Vogt


Melissa Beggs

School Principal

Mary McGuinness

Parish Co-Ordinator of Ministries

Fr Shinto

Assistant Priest

Emma Mizzi

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Trish Maguire


Michael Pastoors

Minutes of the meetings are available below and are also displayed on church noticeboards.



The Catholic Parish of Richmond, encompassing/comprising of St Monica's Richmond, St Gregory's Kurrajong and St John of God North Richmond, draws together the faith community.


Embracing our rich heritage and faith tradition, we, the parishioners, grounded in the love of Christ, strive through our deeds to bring about the kingdom of God in Faith, Hope & Charity. We invite all Parishioners to reflect on this statement in the light of how they may bring it to life.


In seeking to achieve this Vision, we endeavour to be:

A living and nurturing community, expressing Christ's presence among us
A nourishing community of faith and prayer
A welcoming community of hospitality and outreach
A compassionate community of healing and pastoral care




The Catholic Parish of Richmond, encompassing St Monica's Richmond, St Gregory's Kurrajong and St John of God North Richmond, draws together the faith community. Embracing our rich heritage and faith tradition, we, the parishioners, grounded in the love of Christ, strive through our deeds to bring about the kingdom of God in Faith, Hope & Charity. We invite all Parishioners to reflect on this statement in the light of how they may bring it to life.


  • A living and nurturing community, expressing Christ's presence among us
  • A nourishing community of faith and prayer
  • A welcoming community of hospitality and outreach A compassionate community of healing and pastoral care

A challenge we have within the Parish of Richmond is that while we have three Mass Centres: St Monica's, St Gregory's and St John of God, we are ONE Parish. It is hoped parishioners move freely between the three centres while experiencing a sense of belonging to the community. Though many we are one!


  • Welcome new parishioners and invite them to share their gifts
  • Share our faith, in prayer and as we celebrate Eucharist together
  • Seek to be people who are generous, kind, friendly, honest, listening and forgiving
  • Engage the wider parish community through our ministry and parish schools
  • Support those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith
  • Welcome and include non-Catholic partners and family members
  • Celebrate our cultural diversity


For Christians, ministry is an activity carried out as a way of expressing one's faith; it is a means of carrying on the mission Jesus Christ began. Baptism is the source of Christian ministry. It is people working together to make our world a better place in which to live! St Ignatius of Loyola, one of the great teachers within our Catholic Christian tradition prayed "teach us to give and not to count the cost".

In St Mark's Gospel it is recorded "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve" (Mk 10:45).

Many Parishioners are now asking "how can I be involved in parish ministry?" "What can I do to help?"

Prayerful and personal reflection is the first step towards choosing a ministry. Support and mentoring is given to those who would like to be involved in any ministry. There are Liturgical Ministries, Church Ministries, Community Building & Outreach and Evangelisation Ministries. Our Parish of Richmond needs your assistance.

Together Everyone Achieves More.


To get involved in our parish ministries and bring your unique gifts to our community, download and fill out the form below and return to the parish office. For more information, contact us.


These men and women help prepare the Altar for Celebrating the Mass and they assist the Priest in celebrating the Eucharist. This is a specialised ministry and as such the training for this ministry is done at a Diocesan level. Ministers at the Altar are commissioned by the Bishop at the Cathedral. WWC registration is compulsory.

The Altar Servers' special ministry is to serve in the sanctuary. They assist the Priest and Ministers at the Altar during Mass and various liturgical celebrations. This service is directed first to God, second as help to the clergy and third as assistance to the people who have gathered for worship.

Special training and mentoring help our Junior Servers who can progress to other ministries such as Ministers at the Altar & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembled community at Mass and Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion. They also take communion to the sick and housebound. Specialised training is provided within the Parish.

Ushers/greeters provide a warm welcome at the church door by distributing the Bulletin and offering information to regular parishioners and visitors. Arrive 15 minutes early to welcome people.

Readers proclaim the First Reading, Responsorial Psalm (when not sung) and the Second Reading. They carry the Word of God in the procession, welcome the assembled community and lead the Prayers of the Faithful.

They need to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to Mass and liaise with other readers, the music ministry, and do a sound check of the lectern microphone.

Children and teenagers who are confident readers and have received the Sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, are invited to use their gifts in this way.

Specialised training is required.

Trained men and women minister to the children by presenting the Sunday readings and Gospel to children through prayer, discussion and activities.

The teachers are responsible for:

  • ensuring the Parish Centre, used for children's liturgy is ready prior to Mass
  • assisting the children as they process out
  • conducting meaningful lessons
  • ensuring that the children process in just prior to the offering of gifts procession
  • after Mass, returning the materials to the storage area and restoring the meeting room.

Held during the second and fourth Saturday evening Vigil and Sunday 9.30am Mass throughout the school terms.

An experienced person who coordinates the team of Children's Liturgy ministers and is responsible for:

  • communicating clearly with the team
  • the rostering of teachers for Children's Liturgy addressing issues which may arise in terms of resourcing lessons
  • providing the teaching resources
  • contacting teachers prior to the weekend

WWC registration is compulsory.

This ministry involves presenting prepared PowerPoint Presentations at Liturgical celebrations.

Projectionists need to:

  • arrive early for Mass & check-in with the Acolyte/Senior Server
  • setup the computer and display screen in plenty of time before the celebration begins
  • to understand the Order of Mass (i.e. what happens and when), and a sense of the reverence that liturgical celebrations demand
  • to manage the visual display system as required (e.g. muting displays when adjustments need to be made)
  • to operate the system accurately and efficiently, minimising any possible distractions
  • basic computer troubleshooting

This is an easy way for the whole family, or for individuals, to be involved in the Liturgy.

Why not ask to be rostered on a day that is significant to your family eg birthdays, anniversaries?

Distribute collections plates, during the Mass. Collectors show hospitality by their interaction with the assembly as they take up the collection. (GIRM 105/c)

The Preparation of the Gifts is the time when 'money or other gifts for the poor or for the church, brought by the faithful or collected at the church, are acceptable.' (GIRM 73)

The sacrificial offering links the assembly to the sacrifice of Christ and the money is used for the poor as well as for the mission of the Church.

Music is an important part of our Liturgical celebrations. Ministers of music do not perform for the entertainment of those present, but provide the accompaniment and lead to enable the members of the assembly to sing the responses, acclamations and songs of the liturgy.

Music serves the liturgy, and those who gather to celebrate. Music draws us together in unity. Music expresses and shares faith. Music allows the words of the liturgy to speak more fully. Music allows us to express joy and enthusiasm. Music sets the tone for particular celebrations. Musicians assist the assembly to praise to God in song.

This is an important part of our Liturgical celebrations. Speak to the Music Ministry at your chosen Mass time if you would like to help in this way.

We need skilled musicians who:

  • understand the structure of the liturgy
  • understand that music always serves the liturgy
  • be alert to what is happening during worship
  • be flexible enough to adapt accordingly

We need musicians who will:

  • organise the music for Sunday Masses and other celebrations
  • rehearse together
  • arrive well before Mass starts to set up and prepare
  • stay after Mass is over to pack up and put away

We need singers who, while attending a Mass of their choice, can lead the congregational singing. The aim is to have at least two to four singers leading the congregational singing at each Mass when we have music.

Choir practice is at St Monica's every Tuesday evening, 7pm - 8pm.

Young parishioners we particularly need your commitment, gifts and talents to grow this ministry!


By their 'behind the scenes work' cleaners are part of the Hospitality team. Each team ensures the Church is clean and well-presented.

Tasks include:

  • Vacuuming
  • dusting fixtures in the church and foyer areas
  • cleaning the wet areas (kitchen and toilet)

At St Monica's Church

  • the votive candle stand is kept cleaned and restocked
  • the meeting room is swept and mopped

At St Gregory's Church

  • Vacuuming
  • dusting fixtures in the church and foyer areas
  • cleaing the toilet

Volunteers are required to assist the counting coordinator. No experience required.

Assist a team to tidy the area around the church and office buildings.

Tasks include

  • weeding
  • sweeping
  • pruning as directed
  • removing cobwebs
  • cleaning external windows

Your assistance would be required as requested.

The duties of the sacristan are carried out under the general direction of the clergy. As Sacristan you will be responsible for cleaning the precious vessels used at Mass as well as any of the candle sticks and other related items.

The sacristan in harmony with the priest ensures that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition and, if necessary, sent for gilding or repair. He or she also makes sure that the altar cloths are changed regularly, and that the holy water stoups are clean and replenished frequently.

The sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available, such as

  • cruets
  • chalices
  • ciboria
  • oils
  • processional cross
  • candles, etc.

There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purifiers, corporals, palls, hand towels, incense and coals.

Do you have skills in Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Power point or Publisher? Can you help on occasion with ad-hoc jobs to support the Parish Ministry?


Pastoral Carers attend one of four nursing homes in the Hawkesbury, while others visit people in their homes. This is an important ministry involving contact with the sick, the frail and the elderly in the Parish of Richmond.

Visits take place at a mutually convenient time. When possible some residents are brought to St Monica's for Mass, then to meet with parishioners for morning tea and a chat with The Circle of Friends.

Pastoral Care Volunteers have a formation program & a mentoring & support structure.

Our young people are our future parishioners! The Parish of Richmond is in need of vibrant and active Young Adult Youth Leaders who are prepared to help our Youth Group in their activities all year round.

This ministry needs to be developed.

The youth gatherings usually take the form of games and activities with time given to prayer and reflection. We need a group of enthusiastic older youth and adults to help with this ministry.

We need to encourage young people from our parish and school communities to be involved with our Parish. Parent Youth Leaders are needed to join in some youth group activities.

Visit the HYPA-R homepage here

Parish social events are very important; they build community and help raise funds to pay for our parish centre and church buildings as well as other pastoral needs.

Is your gift fundraising? Perhaps you have some ideas. Let us know.

The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded by a 20 year old student named Frederic Ozanam in 1833. It was established by like minded individuals who wished to put their faith into action.

This compassionate outlook, enthusiasm and vision continues today in Australia. There are thousands of people who every day share their time, care for humanity and energy to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people all around Australia.
Society members are passionate about helping those in need in their local community and work together in groups known as 'Conferences' that are usually attached to parishes, schools, universities, social groups, workplaces, or groups of individuals from the local area.

They live their faith in action by visiting people in their homes or in the community, providing friendship and support to those they serve and to each other. They are called to seek out the poor and marginalised wherever they may be.

Our active local conference in Richmond is always seeking new members – for further information please contact the Parish office.

Ushers/greeters provide a warm welcome at the church door by distributing the Bulletin and offering information to regular parishioners and visitors. They reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself, always conscious of Christ's words, "For I was a stranger and you welcomed me," (Matthew 25:35).

If necessary, they assist people in finding appropriate seating and they help the elderly and disabled. They may need to provide leadership during emergencies.

This ministry is one which we want to develop throughout the Parish of Richmond. Many volunteers are needed to assist.

Parish morning teas are a great way for the community to gather and get to know one another.

A team prepares for morning tea by setting up and coordinating the clean up afterwards.

Everyone is welcome to bring a plate of food to these gatherings

This ministry is not yet developed

Remember what it felt like to come into a new community? This ministry involves:

  • Making contact with new parishioners (by phone or preferably in person with a visit or at Mass)
  • Provide information on Parish activities and ministries.

This ministry is not yet developed

The Care Group provides an important role in our community, working to support and assist in times of need.

Activities are responsive to needs identified by the community and include:

  • Providing meals to families who are grieving or caring for someone who is sick
  • Providing transport in emergency situations. Please note, meals will be organised for people in need as they are required.

If you are aware of someone who needs our support, please inform the parish team.


Catechists strive to ensure that Catholic students attending Primary, Secondary and Special Education State schools and their families have an opportunity to hear the Good News, to develop a relationship with God and to feel welcomed and valued members of the Church community.

The rewards of being a catechist are quite significant and include:

  • receiving quality training and professional development
  • having the opportunity to deepen your own faith
  • contributing to the development of your own parish
  • sharing the Catholic faith with others
  • meeting new friends

Baptism is a community responsibility. As the first of the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic community, together we are responsible for supporting parents as they lead their children in faith.

At baptism information sessions would you be willing to share the experience of your family's faith journey with parents who are attending the session? Parents attending these sessions are often beginning the journey of teaching their child about their faith, and can benefit from the ideas and knowledge you have.

These discussions are informal and you would be asked to sit in on no more than two sessions per year.

Welcoming new members into our parish community is everyone's responsibility. Do you know someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or would you be willing to be a companion to someone preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation.

Contact Teshana in the parish office if you are interested.

Bede Polding College is a comprehensive, co-educational Catholic school established in 1986 to serve the parish of St Matthew's, Windsor and St Monica's, Richmond, and the needs of the people of the Hawkesbury.


St Monica's Primary School is one of the oldest Catholic Primary Schools in New South Wales. St Monica's supports and reinforces the beliefs and values of the Catholic family and have the model of Jesus at the centre of what they we do.


The Catholic Parish of Richmond is the largest geographical Parish in the Diocese, forming boundaries with Lithgow and Singleton. There are three Mass centres within the parish: St Monica's, Richmond & St Gregory's, Kurrajong and St John of God Chapel, North Richmond.


In January 1859, Archbishop Polding laid the foundation stone for St Monica's Church Richmond and Rev Therry opened and blessed the church on May 4, 1859. Additions were made in 1897 and 1954. A new church was built in Richmond in 1982.


The church was used as a school for many years until the convent was built in 1878 by the Good Samaritan Sisters, who remained in the parish until 1943, when the Poor Clare Sisters took charge of the school until 1973.


Highlights of the parish are its people; some with the traditions of being families now into their seventh and eighth generation of being part of the fabric that moulded the district. Cardinal Clancy is still referred to fondly as Father Ted, having celebrated his first Mass here. Also, Monsignor John Walsh is parish family.


One hundred and fifty years ago the people kept the faith by travelling by horse and sulky when possible to go to Mass. Today parishioners travel at least an hour from the outskirts of the parish.


On December 11, 2004 there was a celebration for the centenary of the 'new' church of St Gregory in Kurrajong. The Mass was presided by Bishop Kevin Manning and concelebrated by Cardinal Clancy, priests from the surrounding area and those priests who had previously worked in the parish. The original St Gregory's had been built in 1840.


On November 24, 2007 there was a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Manning in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the new church of St Monica in Richmond. In 2009 the parish reached its 150th Anniversary, with celebrations held on Sunday 3rd May, 2009.


To purchase Richmond Parish 150th Anniversary memorabilia, please contact the parish office.