First Reading Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 (Year C) (JB) A reading from the prophet Isaiah The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it. ‘Console my people, console them,’ says your God. ‘Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and call to her that her time of service is ended, that her…

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First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 (JB) A reading from the prophet Isaiah The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Arise, shine out Jerusalem, for your light has come, the glory of the Lord is rising on you, though night still covers the earth and darkness the peoples. Above you the Lord now rises and above…

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First Reading 1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28 (Year C) (JB) A reading from the first book of Samuel For the whole of his life, Samuel shall be lent to the Lord. Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son, and called him Samuel ‘since’ she said ‘I asked the Lord for him.’ When a year had…

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